Here is an interesting video on the book of the future:
The Future of the Book. from
"Meet Nelson, Coupland, and Alice — the faces of tomorrow’s book. Watch global design and innovation consultancy IDEO’s vision for the future of the book. What new experiences might be created by linking diverse discussions, what additional value could be created by connected readers to one another, and what innovative ways we might use to tell our favorite stories and build community around books? "
Link: (
-- Chris Penny
"The company is ScrollMotion, and while you may have never heard of it, you’ve surely heard of some of its biggest clients. Hearst, Random House, Houghton Mifflin, Simon and Schuster, and The Jim Henson Company are just some of the big name clients that use ScrollMotion to create digital, interactive content experiences for the iPhone
,iPad and beyond.... The publishing industry is undergoing a significant transformation. It’s not just the death of the printed newspaper and the push to move from newsprint to the web; the publishing industry at large is becoming digitized."
This blog post in the NYTimes (8/23/2010) introduces a new company, "Inkling" which "gets" the idea of "Connected" -- "the company wants to offer a textbook experience that moves far beyond simply downloading a PDF document to an iPad.
One unique feature the service offers is the ability to discuss passages of a book with other students or professors. By selecting a piece of text you can leave a note for others to read and develop a conversation around the text."